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A hybrid study of multiple contributors to per capita household CO2 emissions (HCEs) in China
Jiansheng Qu, Shanshan Qin(秦珊珊),Lina Liu(刘莉娜),Jingjing Zeng(曾静静),Yue Bian(边悦). A hybrid study of multiple contributors to per capita household CO2 emissions (HCEs) in China[J] . Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015,(12) :dio10.1007/s11356-015-5856-x.
英文关键词:HouseholdCO2 emissions(HCEs);Driving factors;Correlationanalysis(CA) ;Graycorrelationanalysis (GCA);Principlecomponentregression(PCR)
摘要:Given the large expenditures by households on goods and services that contribute a large proportion of global CO2 emissions, increasing attention has been paid to household CO2 emissions (HCEs). However, compared with industrial CO2 emissions, efforts devoted to mitigating HCEs are relatively small. A good understanding of the effects of some driving factors (i.e., urbanization rate, per capita GDP, per capita income/disposable income, Engel coefficient, new energy ratio, carbon intensity, and household size) is urgently needed prior to considering policies for reducing HCEs. Given this, in the study, the direct and indirect per capita HCEs were quantified in rural and urban areas of China over the period 2000–2012. Correlation analysis and gray correlation analysis were initially used to identify the prime drivers of per capita HCEs. Our results showed that per capita income/disposable income, per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and household size were the most significantly correlated with per capita HCEs in rural areas. Moreover,theconjointeffectsofthepotentialdrivingfactorsonper capita HCEs were determined by performing principal component regression analysis for all cases. Based on the combinedanalysisstrategies, alternative policeswerealsoexaminedfor controllingand mitigatingHCEs growthin China. .
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